Michael Chief Accountability Officer at e-Literate. Previously, he has been a Partner at MindWires Consulting, Senior Program Manager of MindTap at Cengage Learning and Principal Product Strategy Manager for Academic Enterprise Solutions (formerly Academic Enterprise Initiative, or AEI) at Oracle Corporation. Prior to to that, Michael was an Assistant Director at the SUNY Learning Network, where he oversaw blended learning faculty development and was part of the leadership team for the LMS platform migration efforts of this 40-campus program. Before SUNY, he was co-founder and CEO of a company that provided e-learning and knowledge management products and services to Fortune 500 corporations, with a special emphasis on software simulations. He has also been the interim CLO at The Otter Group, a Senior Partner at Christensen/Roberts Solutions, and a Senior Instructional Designer at Raymond Karsan Associates. In previous lives, Michael has been a freelance writer, an English PhD student, a middle school and high school teacher, a tire wrangler at a Yokohama Tire warehouse, and a professional loafer at Schooley’s Mountain County Park.
Michael has been a member of the Sakai Foundation Board of Directors, a participant in the IMS, and a member of eLearn Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board. He is a frequent invited speaker on a range of e-learning-related topics having been invited to speak on topics including e-learning usability, the future of the LMS, ePortfolios, and edupatents for organizations ranging from the eLearning Guild to the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council, and has been interviewed as an e-learning expert by a variety of media outlets, including The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Associated Press, and U.S. News and World Report.
Michael was a very early participant in Open Source Learning Management Systems projects, having been one of the early participants (and the only non-technologist participant at the time) of the OpenACS community in early 2000—the community that would eventually spawn the GPL-licensed dotLRN Learning Management System.