The following are articles, webinars, and podcasts featuring Michael that are available elsewhere on the internet:
- Contributor, Sakai CLE Courseware Management: The Official Guide, July 2011
- “Coase’s University: Open Source, Economics, and Higher Education,” Terra Incognita, October 31, 2007
- “Better Networked Learning: From Theory to Praxis to Software Design,” ALT-N, April 20, 2007
- “Edupatents: The Gathering Storm” (with Stephen Downes, moderated by Cable Green), TeachU Ohio, November 27, 2006
- “Software Patents in Higher Education” (with Alfred Essa, moderated by Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow), EdTechTalk, September 17, 2006
- “The Digital Promise: Using Technology to Transform Learning,” eLearn Magazine, September 14, 2006
- “Just DO IT” (with Lisa Neal and Ken Korman) eLearn Magazine, September 14, 2006
- “Keep Your Own Counsel on the Blackboard Controversy,” Campus Technology C-Level View, September 13, 2006
- “e-Learning Usability” (moderated by David Guralnick), Truth in E-Learning, September 6, 2006
- “Designing Usable Self-paced e-Learning Courses: A Practical Guide” (with Lisa Neal), eLearn Magazine, August 31, 2006
- “Community Forum on DOPA and the Blackboard Patent Part 2” (with Stephen Downes, Lee Baber, and Martin Dougiamas, moderated by Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow), EdTechTalk, August 6, 2006
- “There’s No Such Thing as a Learning Object,” eLearn Magazine, May 15, 2006
- “A Call to Arms,” eLearn Magazine, January 27, 2006
- “Unbolting the Chairs: Making LMSs More Flexible” (with Patrick Masson), eLearn Magazine, January 27, 2006
- “Paying Attention to Attention” (with Lisa Neal), eLearn Magazine, September 7, 2004
- “When Weblogs Can Be Harmful,” eLearn Magazine, September 7, 2004
- “Informational Cascades in Online Learning,” eLearn Magazine, August 27, 2004
- “Desperately Seeking Software Simulations,” eLearn Magazine, April 6, 2004
- “Don’t Just Teach to the Metrics,” eLearn Magazine, September 20, 2002
- “Developing Your e-Learning for Your Learners,” eLearn Magazine, September 20, 2002
- “Ignore Usability at Your Peril,” eLearn Magazine, August 12, 2002
- “What is ‘Usable’ e-Learning?” eLearn Magazine, August 12, 2002
- “Do You Really Need Re-usability?” eLearn Magazine, July 1, 2002
- “How to Design Recyclable Learning Objects,” eLearn Magazine, July 1, 2002
- “Ill-Served,” eLearn Magazine, May 31, 2002
- “What’s Important in a Learning Content Management System,” eLearn Magazine, May 31, 2002
- “Disaster and Opportunity,” eLearn Magazine, March 2, 2002
- “e-Moderating and In Good Company: The Secrets to Successful Online Learning Communities,” eLearn Magazine, January, 2002
- “In Defense of Online Learning (and Veggie Burgers),” eLearn Magazine, December 13, 2001
- “Back to the Future: What’s Next After Learning Objects,” eLearn Magazine, August 9, 2001
- (Co-author) “The Case for Creative Abrasion: Experts Speak Out on Knowledge Management,” Performance Improvement Journal, August, 2001