…pretty much everyone.
No, e-Literate did not win in either of the categories for which it was nominated in the 2004 Edublogger Awards. But it’s hard to feel bad about it, given the quality of the contestants and the number of great new blogs I discovered through this contest.
Take, for example, the blog that won in the “Best Designed and Most Beautiful” category. Now, I might have had a shot if the category had been “Best Information Architecture and Design.” I dunno. But Blaugustine is simply the most beautiful weblog I’ve seen. It’s a work of art.
And then there’s “Best Newcomer (2004).” Chasing the Dragon’s Tail is a delight. It’s thought-provoking, entertainingly written, and focused on an extremely important topic, i.e., the digital divide.
If you haven’t made your way over to the awards site and checked out the various contestants, I urge you to do so. Kudos to Alex Halavais and James Farmer for respectively inspiring and bringing to fruition this valuable and rewarding exercise.
Michael, thank you for your kind praise. I’m happy to have discovered such interesting sites via this contest. My very best wishes to you.
Michael, I was doing a little late year shuffling of my blogroll and discovered your flattering comments. Thank you! I wish you great success with e-Literate…count me in as a regular reader.
‘still Chasing the Dragon’s Tale…
Thanks to both of you.
It’s official: We’re all pretty cool.