When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.
Bits & Bytes
"Bits and Bytes" includes recommended reading on other sites, editorial and web site updates, and other ephemera.
Blursday, 6/9: Harvard GSE’s Chris Dede
His intelligence is only exceeded by his humility. And his impressive mustache. We are nothing if not fans of facial hair at e-Literate.
Blursday June 2nd with UMGC President Greg Fowler
Come chat with one of the next generation of great university presidents.
Upcoming Blursday Sessions
Fun folks, intimate conversations, and lots of participation.
Reminder and Calendar Add for Blursday
With a new theme song!
Blursday with George Siemens…on Engageli!
Data-supported humane education. Plus, the new Blursday theme music!
Argos: Making Good Course Design Easy and Fun
How courseware could work with real product/market fit in mind.