I am gratified—and slightly surprised—to announce that the members of the Sakai community have elected me to serve on the Sakai Foundation’s Board of Directors. I deeply appreciate their faith in me. I also am grateful to my employer for not only enabling me to make the time commitment but also for actively supporting and encouraging my decision to run in the first place.
Congratulations to fellow new board members Ian Boston, Maggie Lynch, and Chuck Severance. The bios and platforms of all the nominees, including but not limited to those who got elected, are here.
Congrats Michael!
I’m glad the community elected you to the board. We need someone who looks at a lot of different technologies and the LMS market so we can benchmark Sakai against other products and find synergies. You have been doing a great job at being very honest and open, and I’m sure you’ll make a difference on the board.
Terrific! You have a healthy “sustainable” ( i.e. open+pragmatic) perspective on technology and education and that will influence the constructive, even if unpredictable evolution of learning technologies.
Congratulations Michael. This is indeed wonderful news! Looking forward to big things from you.