Since I have urged all of you to nominate your favorite blogs for the 2007 Edublog Awards (or “Eddies”), I figured I should put my (virtual) money where my (virtual) mouth is and put some of my own nominees on the table. So here are mine:
Best Individual Blog: Cole Camplese and Seb Schmoller. The reason for both is the same; I find that I actually read and learn from a very high percentage of posts on both blogs. If I only have time to look at a couple of edublogs on a busy day, these are the two that I’ll check for new posts first.
Best Group Blog: Terra Incognita. Ken Udas has done a fantastic job of assembling a large and impressive group of guest bloggers on the topics of open source and open educational resources.
Best New Blog: Terra Incognita again and Mara Hancock’s Promptu. In addition to the fact that she writes about a very important topic (user experience for educational software), I just enjoy Mara’s writing style.
Best Blogged Research Paper or Project: The eLearning Maturity Model (eMM) on Stephen Marshall’s blog. eMM is one of the most interesting and, frankly, useful ongoing research projects into educational technology adoption and Stephen’s blog covers it admirably well. Also, like many of the others on this list, Stephen is an excellent writer (which is one of the reasons that I had him as a guest blogger on e-Literate).
Best Educational Tech Support Blog: As Much By Writing. This isn’t the place where you necessarily will go to get your ed tech support, but it is a model for how university IT departments should be augmenting their ed tech support to their campuses via a blog.
Best eLearning/Corporate Blog: e-Clippings. I feel a little funny nominating in this category since I’ve been out of the corporate side of things long enough that I don’t have a clear sense of what is most useful in that field anymore. But Mark Oehlert’s blog is one of the few on the corporate side that I still read and enjoy on a regular basis. It’s just plain interesting.
Best Educational use of Video/Visuals: Hilarious vodcasts of high school German lessons. I don’t speak a word of German and yet I find them strangely compelling.
OK, that’s it for me–for now, at least. Now it’s your turn.
Thanks for your vote for! 🙂
I didn’t have any idea it was nominated. Congrats on e-Literate nomination as well!