When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.
Cengage Author Moves to OER: The Implications
The arc of curricular materials is long, but it bends toward entropy.
Workplace Learning: A Follow-up
I was surprised my previous post on workplace learning got some attention from folks in the field. Apparently, I struck a nerve with problems that are still difficult some twenty years since I worked in that subfield. And yet, there are ways to tackle these problems. New tools combined with new approaches can address reusability, […]
Workplace Learning: Still a Mess
Twenty years later, it still looks broken to me.
Zovio and Arizona Global: Is There a Less Obvious Trend Here?
The arc of history is long, but I want to believe, admittedly against much evidence, that it bends toward sanity.
Coursera and 2U: MOOCs are Designed to Compete with Google AdWords.
Lo how the mighty have fallen. And are taking everyone else with them.
Blursday with UCF’s Tom Cavanagh
Update: Due to summer vacations, we are in the process of rescheduling this (and other) Blursday sessions for August. Sorry, and stay tuned! We’re lucky this Blursday to be joined by Tom Cavanagh, University of Central Florida Vice President for Digital Learning. Tom has been building one of the great online and blended, evidence-based, faculty-friendly […]