I’m in a bad mood today.
New Argos Post on Optimizing for Educator Effectiveness
The phrase “empowering educators” is a cliché that usually doesn’t mean much. We could use the language of business—as I have—to describe educators as knowledge workers and think about optimizing their workflows to reduce the amount of time they spend on low-value tasks and increase their opportunities to apply their expert judgment to high-value tasks. […]
New Post About the Blended Future of College on the Argos Blog
How can we create engaging, meaningful educational experiences that will bring students back to college?
On Defeating Inevitability
Sometimes “inevitability” is just a failure of imagination.
A Flight to Quality in EdTech Venture Capital?
How can investors identify quality when they see it?
Thinking About Alternative Credentials
How alternative can credentials be?
Blogging About Argos
I’ll be writing a series of long-form, e-Literate-style posts about the thinking behind my company, Argos Education. Since I’m trying to keep e-Literate ecumenical, I’ll be writing these posts on the Argos site. You can read the first of them here.