A number of folks have contacted me asking for up-to-the-minute updates on the trial. To begin with, I am tagging all relevant articles so that they appear in the EduPatents feed. I probably won’t blog about most of these directly unless I feel I have something substantially new to say about them, so my advice […]
Blackboard Advertises an 'Open Source LMS'
Update: I just ran another Google search today (two days after the original post) and Blackboard’s ad no longer shows up. It looks like they may have pulled it. If so, good for them. A friend of mine sent me this ad, which appeared in his GMail account. Blackboard could have its ad show […]
Blackboard Bought Xythos
The Chronicle just confirmed it. For those who don’t know, Blackboard Content System is based on the Xythos Content Server product. So now Bb owns a content management engine and can integrate it pervasively with the rest of its product line. (To date, the integration between Bb Content System and their LMS is relatively weak.) […]
Blackboard v Desire2Learn Trial Is Coming Up
From D2L’s patent blog: Since our last posting, we received word that the judge has decided not to rule on any summary judgment motions – he’s letting all issues go to trial. As a result, Desire2Learn’s legal folks – inside and outside counsel – have been working overtime preparing for trial. We’re going to trial […]
Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean?
After Blackboard’s recent earnings announcement and conference call, Jim Farmer and I had a chat about what we learned. One thing that struck us both was that Blackboard’s total number of LMS license customers is declining. Jim, being handy with Excel, put this chart together: There is a clear long-term trend toward reduced number of […]
An Open Casket After All
Update: The intrepid Jim Farmer has also posted a copy of the D2L entry in the immagic eLibrary. As it turns out, one of your fellow e-Literate readers saved the D2L post and pasted it into the comments section of my last post. I love you guys.
Burying the Bodies
Following my last post regarding the nasty details of Blackboard’s behavior that came out during the discovery phase of the trial, we now see the following message up on the D2L blog: [Our Litigation Update post, originally posted here on October 24, has been temporarily removed, as late today we received a letter from Blackboard’s […]