Stephen has a press statement [.doc] from iParadigms, as does
Update on Blackboard v Turnitin
Update: immagic has several more documents available (one, two, three, four) on what is apparently an outgrowth of a long-running conflict between iParadigms, the company that owns Turnitin, and Sciworth, the company that owns the Safe Assignment anti-plagiarism technology licensed by Blackboard. I haven’t read any of this documentation but am pointing you to it […]
Has Blackboard Filed Another Patent Suit?
It certainly looks that way. As usual, immagic has what little court documentation is publicly available. The defendant, by the way, appears to be the company that owns Turnitin. We know very, very little at this point. Stay tuned.
Lessons from Blackboard?
This is a guest blog post by Jim Farmer, Coordinator, Scholarly Systems Group at Georgetown University and editor at the eReSS project, University of Hull. Blackboard’s Second Quarter financial reports and conference call (edited mp3 audio) may say more about eLearning in higher education than it did about Blackboard. And they say a lot about […]
First 35 Claims of Blackboard's Patent Ruled Invalid
According to D2L’s patent blog, the judge in the patent case just ruled the first 35 of the 44 claims in Blackboard’s current patent invalid: The more significant, immediate result is that the Court found the “Means for assigning a level of access to and control of each data file based on a user of […]
Desire2Learn and Blackboard Technology Tutorials for the Patent Case
D2L has posted the Flash-based technology tutorials that both sides prepared for the court (for viewing by the Judge? The Jury?). The presentations are intended to give summaries of their arguments and evidence in relatively non-technical terms and with a minimum of legal jargon as well. Finally, we have clear statements on what each side […]
Blackboard Inter Partes Determination Published
You can find the documentation here. The USPTO found 13 of Desire2Learn’s 14 claims to raise substantial new questions of patentability. However, the government did not a preliminary finding, as is usual with an Inter Partes challenge, because they are considering whether this challenge should be merged with the Ex Parte challenge filed by the […]