Kudos! Find it here. In particular, be sure to check out this PowerPoint presentation about the costs of patents to universities.
Why I'm Not Worried about the Microsoft Patent Threats Against Linux
Understandably, there’s been a lot of hand wringing about this. But the experts and evidence all suggest that Microsoft is all bark and no bite in this particular case.
My Edupatents Talk at PESC
Update:I tried to embed the slides from the talk but, unfortunately, SlideShare kept messing up my blog’s layout. You can find a copy of the slides here. Here is the presentation I gave at PESC on April 23rd. (Thanks to the good folks at im+m for recording and archiving the audio of the talk.) I’d […]
Still More on the Supreme Court Ruling
Patently-O has a piece by Professor Joshua Sarnoff on the ruling. Sarnoff has quite a resume, apparently: Professor Joshua Sarnoff, Assistant Director of the Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Law Clinic and a Practitioner-in-Residence at the Washington College of Law, American University. Professor Sarnoff filed an amicus brief in support of Petitioner KSR. Professor Sarnoff’s analysis of […]
More on the Supreme Court Ruling
Patently-O has up a PDF of the KSR v Teleflex ruling (which, by the way, was unanimous). Basically, the court says that, while the original precedents provide adequate guidance for obviousness, the Federal Circuit has interpreted that guidance too narrowly, arguing that “Rigid preventative rules that deny recourse to common sense are neither necessary under, […]
Supreme Court Strikes a Major Blow for Patent Reform
This is huge. Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of KSR v. Teleflex, where the central issue was the meaning of “obviousness.” The reason that the word is important in patent law is because an innovation that is deemed “obvious” is not patentable. For example, Teleflex had combined two existing devices for […]
Blackboard Inter Partes Determination Published
You can find the documentation here. The USPTO found 13 of Desire2Learn’s 14 claims to raise substantial new questions of patentability. However, the government did not a preliminary finding, as is usual with an Inter Partes challenge, because they are considering whether this challenge should be merged with the Ex Parte challenge filed by the […]