A theory of change for higher education.
Empirical Educator Project
The Empirical Educator Project’s First Public Collaboration
It is almost exactly the six-month anniversary of the Empirical Educator Project’s (EEP’s) first annual summit at Stanford University. The thesis behind EEP is simple: We believe that one of the biggest barriers to increasing student access and success in US higher education is a failure to communicate. We see substantial innovation and progress happening […]
Empirical Educators Define the Project
EEP is people!
The ASU + GSV Conference was More GSV than Ever—And That’s Good
The fact that the trends at the ASU + GSV Summit are getting harder to read is a sign of the edtech investment market’s maturation.
What is the Value of Empirical Education?
Higher ed needs to learn how to think globally and act locally regarding the grand educational challenges of our time. The Empirical Educator Project attempts to create an environment in which that can happen.
What is an Empirical Educator?
The heart of the Empirical Educator Project is to evolve a shared understanding of what it means to be an educator.
The CWiC Framework: Context around Courseware
We interviewed the advisory committee for the Courseware in Context (CWiC) Framework about their goals and aspirations for the project. The key that makes CWiC different from previous efforts is the “context” part.