I want to write about what the implications of Google Wave are for educational technology, but I’m afraid that I’ll end up writing a book. And I’m still digesting. I usually try very hard to avoid hyperbole when talking about new technology (or any technology) but, really and truly, this could change everything.
You must watch this video. It’s an hour and twenty minutes. Be prepared to be mesmerized for every minute of it.
I was there at Google IO when they presented it and was able to speak shortly to a Wave developer. I’m still wondering and digesting what this means for educational technology. I expect to get my account for the Wave sandbox shortly. As soon as I have the account I will start hitting it from an educational perspective.
I intend to blog (http://victormaijer.blogspot.com/) about my findings (will switch to English for this purpose) and probably will give presentations in The Netherlands if my results are interesting enough.
Victor Maijer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands