We have a great group of featured guests coming to our Blursday Socials this month:
- Engageli CEO Dan Avida (4/15 at 4 PM ET): Engageli has gotten quite a bit of press (including from me) about its promising approach to creating a synchronous active learning experience that’s quite distinct from traditional web conferencing experiences. CEO Dan Avida can talk to us about the company, what he’s seeing post-pandemic, his previous experience as an early investor in Coursera, his general experience as a VC, and much more. (RSVP here.)
- SNHU President Paul LeBlanc (4/22 at 4 PM ET): I kinda feel like Paul doesn’t need an introduction. He’s the leader who grew a small regional university into the powerhouse that it is today. But something you may not have gotten from his many news and talking head webinar interviews is that he’s also a fun and interesting guy to hang out with at the conference bar scene. (RSVP here.)
- SEI Ventures Senior Associate Matt Tower (4/29 at 4 PM ET): In contrast to Paul Matt is one of the more interesting folks in EdTech that you’ve probably never heard of. If you’ve been to the Blursdays when he’s grabbed the mic or attended his weekly Clubhouse EdTech session on Fridays, then you know him as a smart guy who seems to know something about everything. He’s another one of those folks you’ll love hanging out with at the (virtual) conference bar. (RSVP here.)
We’re going to continue to mix up our guest list—academics, EdTech folks, VCs, policy people, on-the-ground support people, researchers—basically, anybody who I would want to hang out at a conference bar and talk shop with. And the spirit is very much that of the Empirical Educator Project in that I’m trying to introduce folks who wouldn’t normally walk in the same circles and get them talking about interests that they didn’t know they have in common.
So c’mon out, BYOB, and join the party.