It’s not about MOOCs.
Ed Tech
The "Ed Tech" category includes posts about educational technology products themselves, including LMSs and other learning platforms, adaptive learning and other digital curricular materials products, learning analytics, and educational apps of all types. It also includes technical aspects of ed tech products, especially interoperability.
I’m Facilitating an Upcoming Webinar on University/Workplace Partnerships
The first in a series.
If You Were Designing Cal State Today: A Proposal Out of MIT
Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Post-Traditional Students are the New Premium Students
We are entering a post-traditional era.
Argos Education is Winding Down
Grief and pride.
Seeing the Future: Developing Intuitions About Artificial Intelligence
In which I refine my intuitions about artificial intelligence through play.
e-Literate’s Changing Themes for Changing Times
The educational landscape, and therefore the EdTech landscape, seem to be on the cusp of rapid change. In this post, I outline the themes I will be paying attention to and writing about going forward