Thinking differently about using AI/ML in EdTech.
Ed Tech
The "Ed Tech" category includes posts about educational technology products themselves, including LMSs and other learning platforms, adaptive learning and other digital curricular materials products, learning analytics, and educational apps of all types. It also includes technical aspects of ed tech products, especially interoperability.
AI/ML in EdTech: An Incomplete Inventory
You asked. I answered.
AI/ML in EdTech: The Miracle, The Grind, and the Wall
AI/ML is like crack cocaine for feeding the hype cycle. The first high is incredible. Once you’re hooked, you could be in a lot of trouble.
The Course Hero/Lumen Deal
My father likes to say, “Never ascribe to malice that which simple stupidity can explain.” I read this as a story of good intentions with horrific execution.
Cengage Author Moves to OER: The Implications
The arc of curricular materials is long, but it bends toward entropy.
Workplace Learning: A Follow-up
I was surprised my previous post on workplace learning got some attention from folks in the field. Apparently, I struck a nerve with problems that are still difficult some twenty years since I worked in that subfield. And yet, there are ways to tackle these problems. New tools combined with new approaches can address reusability, […]
New Argos Post on Optimizing for Educator Effectiveness
The phrase “empowering educators” is a cliché that usually doesn’t mean much. We could use the language of business—as I have—to describe educators as knowledge workers and think about optimizing their workflows to reduce the amount of time they spend on low-value tasks and increase their opportunities to apply their expert judgment to high-value tasks. […]