If you are Sakai-curious and want to know more about the platform and the community, you should come to the conference, which is going to be June 15-17 in Denver this year. I am delighted to say that our keynote speaker will be Anya Kamenetz.
Present is Prologue
If you are Sakai-curious and want to know more about the platform and the community, you should come to the conference, which is going to be June 15-17 in Denver this year. I am delighted to say that our keynote speaker will be Anya Kamenetz.
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The views expressed here are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
The views expressed here are solely my own and may or may not reflect those of my employer.
i used to follow your blog and really respect your well rounded, and objective reporting, but since you joined Sakai board, this has increasingly become a Sakai marketing publication. very unfortunate. tuning out…
I’m sorry you feel that way, Bryant. I have made a conscious effort over the past month to diversify my posts a little more. Regardless, I can only post about the topics that I know about and am engaged with. Right now I am spending a lot of time thinking about and learning about Sakai, so I tend to blog about it a lot.
I wish you well, and I hope you will check back in with e-Literate from time to time.