Again, apologies to those who are trying to read my unformatted RSS feed. There’s a problem with the way EE handles the templates and my PHP skills aren’t up to fixing it. Also try as I might, I cannot find any clean way of fudging a decent division through writing style that will serve equally well for the web and the feeds without significant of extra work on each post (which kinda puts a major damper on the blogging impulse). Luckily, X-Path developer/hero and EE user Joe Lapp is working on modifying a plug-in he wrote for EE to work with the RSS templates in the near future. This is the right fix, it will be a permanent fix, and it will be a retroactive fix, so I’m going to ask those very few people who may have subscribed to my RSS feed already to be patient a little while longer until I have the new plug-in to fix the problem. Go Joe!
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