I am delighted to announce the beginning of a series of guest posts on distributed learning environments by the authors who will be contributing to a forthcoming special double issue on the topic in On the Horizon. Each post will provide an introduction to the article that will appear in the issue when it is published some time in the first half of next year. We have a rather ambitious schedule for the series; I hope to publish three of these guest posts a week over the next month or so. The first, by the OU’s Martin Weller, will be up shortly. I encourage you all to comment on the posts. Your input may well help to shape the final articles.
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[…] Distributed Learning Environment Posts Coming Michael Feldstein for e-Literate, 2008. | Permalink | No comment. Add to del.icio.us. Search blogs linking this post with Technorati. Want more on these topics ? Browse the archive of posts filed under Higher Education, Tools, Toys, … […]
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