I’m pleased to announce two additions to e-Literate.
First, we’re creating a new category of short posts called “Recommended Reading.” We have always appreciated the news digests produced by folks like Stephen Downes and Audrey Watters as ways to keep up on important pieces we might have missed. While we don’t intend to publish such digests regularly the way that OLDaily and Hack Education do, we are going to start writing short posts, clearly labeled as “recommended reading,” that point to pieces elsewhere on the internet that might be of interest to you.
Second, helping us out with that effort will be MindWires gang’s newest member, O’Neal Spicer. O’Neal has been working with us as an independent consultant for about a year now and we’re proud to have him on board full-time. You’ll be seeing long-form pieces from him; Phil and I think you’ll be pleased with the perspective that he adds. He’s also going to pitch in with Phil and me to keep the “recommended reading” posts coming on a regular basis.