Jim Farmer tells me that I really should write at least one analysis post on the Blackboard acquisition myself. Since it’s Jim doing the asking, I’m going to do that. But I still don’t feel like I’m going to be able to do justice to an event of this magnitude. As a result, I will be pulling in some guest posters to get a range of opinions and analysis. Jim says he has another blog post in mind for the topic. We also will be hearing from Phil Hill of the Delta Initiative, and I’m working on lining up a couple of more people, although I don’t have anything to announce in that regard just yet.
As always, I’m carefully hand-picking guest bloggers who I consistently learn from every time I talk to them. I’m not picking anybody based on what opinion I think I’ll get from them–in fact, in some cases I don’t know what opinion I’ll get from them–and I don’t censor my guests or require them to toe any editorial line. I just want to know what they’re thinking, so I’m giving them space to tell us. If this strategy works well and doesn’t eat up too much of my time, I may start doing it on a more regular basis.
Anyway, stay tuned.