In case you haven’t seen it yet, Blackboard has responded to the non-final invalidation of their patent by the USPTO. I’ve only had time to scan it quickly, but here are my preliminary observations. First, Blackboard has added a bunch of new dependent claims, bringing the total up to 57. (There’s a Steve Martin joke […]
What I Want from the EDUCAUSE Seminar on Edupatents
Seb has a good post up raising some questions for the free EDUCAUSE webinar on edupatents tomorrow at 1 PM Eastern time. I’ll add a few of my own (which in some ways are just extensions of Seb’s): What are the various edupatents being litigated in the United States today and what is the potential […]
Didn't See This One Coming
The business processes of Blackboard as interpreted through Bollywood movies. And if that doesn’t get you curious enough to click on a hyperlink, then you’re a lost cause.
The Creepy Treehouse
There’s an article in NC State’s campus newspaper about Blackboard’s Facebook integration. I’m always interested to hear what actual students think about all the Web 2.0 for education stuff we tend to hyperventilate about. There isn’t a lot of new information in the piece, but I did love this classic piece of snarkiness: Blackboard won’t […]
More Tech Radium v. Blackboard, Inc.
I conferred with Jim Farmer on new patent infringement suit and a few interesting points came out: Tech Radium is suing Blackboard for violating three patents, some but not all of which are education-specific. This may or may not matter to you, depending on how you feel about software patents in general versus edupatents in […]
Blackboard, Inc. Sued for Patent Infringement
A company called TechRadium is suing Blackboard in East Texas (Marshall, not Lufkin) for allegedly infringing on their patent on mass notification systems. (Blackboard bought emergency notifications company NTI recently.) im+m has a copy of the complaint posted. We’ll try to get some analysis posted when we can. In the meantime, if you have a […]
Blackboard v. Desire2Learn: The First Final Judgment
This is a guest post by Jim Farmer. Delayed several days by a database failure at the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Friday, May 2nd, the Final Judgment and associated orders for Blackboard v. Desire2Learn are now publicly available. This text is based upon publicly available records. Because much of the record […]