Well, after a week of being crushed in moving boxes, I’ve managed to dig out enough to find my computer. Lucky for me Al Essa posted a week-in-review summary of the Blackboard EduPatentGate drama that helped me get back up to speed. Al has been doing a fantastic job of attacking the problem from a number of different angles. If you care about this issue and haven’t yet subscribed to his feed, you really should.
I’m working on some follow-up regarding the impact of patents on standards development and have should that plus at least a few other posts up this week, with the goal of getting back to normal by the beginning of next week. So stay tuned. In the meantime, you might enjoy reading a piece on EduPatentGate from Justin Pope at the Associated Press. Here it is on ABC News’ web site. Business Week, the Washington Post, and USAToday have also picked it up so far.
… and so has cnn.com — see CNN.com: