We’ll chat about our first post-pandemic academic year in the US, plus anything else you want to talk about.
This Week’s Blursday Social is with Jeff Young
This Blursday, we’ll be speaking again with Jeff Young, the higher education reporter extraordinaire who spoke with us in the fall about his fabulous Campus Pandemic Podcast diaries. Jeff has also done some great reporting on learning engineering (among many other topics), so we have a lot to talk with him about. Jeff is one of my […]
The Chegg Situation is Worse Than You Think
There is a lot of blame to go around, including in some unexpected places.
There’s a Layer in Between Learning Content and Learning Analytics
This post explores an important aspiration of the collaboration between CMU OLI and ASU ETX on building a new courseware platform.
This Week’s Blursday Social: The CMU/ASU Courseware Platform Collaboration
Happy not-2020 anymore! In celebration of the slightly-less-awfulness, we are restarting Blursday Socials with a bang. You may have been following my blog post series on the collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University’s OLI group and ASU’s ETX group on a next-generation courseware platform. (It’s actually a lot more than that, but that’s a good place […]
A Courseware Platform for Expressing Pedagogical Intent
This is an overview of the collaboration between ASU’s ETX Center and CMU’s OLI to build a next-generation courseware platform.
Next Blursday Social (12/10): Filling EdTech Potholes with ReThink Education’s Matt Greenfield
Welp, it’s been a year, hasn’t it? Everybody, including the EdTech-averse, has had to go all-in on EdTech all at once. And it’s exposed some potholes. Some we knew were there, others we learned to live with and forgot about, and still others we didn’t see coming. Now is a good time to think about […]