How can investors identify quality when they see it?
Thinking About Alternative Credentials
How alternative can credentials be?
Reminder and Calendar Add for Blursday
With a new theme song!
Blursday with George Siemens…on Engageli!
Data-supported humane education. Plus, the new Blursday theme music!
Blogging About Argos
I’ll be writing a series of long-form, e-Literate-style posts about the thinking behind my company, Argos Education. Since I’m trying to keep e-Literate ecumenical, I’ll be writing these posts on the Argos site. You can read the first of them here.
The Argos Education Blog is Up
Where you can read about my day gig.
Blursday Barn Raisings!
Blursdays are back, but with some grant-funded crowdsourcing social-good fun! Relatedly, come get an update about my start-up, Argos Education.