A “robot tutor in the sky that can semi-read your mind and figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are, down to the percentile”? Really?
Learning Analytics
This category covers learning analytics products, the larger markets for them, and the science (or lack thereof) behind them.
68 Percent of Statistics Are Meaningless, Purdue University Edition
Purdue University has been happy to take credit for essentially inventing the retention early warning analytics category. But are they willing to take responsibility for putting out a flawed efficacy study? Eh, not so much.
Unizin Perspective: Personalized learning’s existence and distance education experience
By reading the Unizin pitch for the State University System of Florida shared yesterday, we can see quite a few claims about the (potential) benefits to be provided by the consortium. “Make sure that the universities were not cut out of [distance ed] process”; “Secure our foothold in the digital industry”; “Promote greater control and influence over the digital learning ecosystem”; Provide “access […]