How can we create engaging, meaningful educational experiences that will bring students back to college?
Ed Tech
The "Ed Tech" category includes posts about educational technology products themselves, including LMSs and other learning platforms, adaptive learning and other digital curricular materials products, learning analytics, and educational apps of all types. It also includes technical aspects of ed tech products, especially interoperability.
A Flight to Quality in EdTech Venture Capital?
How can investors identify quality when they see it?
Blogging About Argos
I’ll be writing a series of long-form, e-Literate-style posts about the thinking behind my company, Argos Education. Since I’m trying to keep e-Literate ecumenical, I’ll be writing these posts on the Argos site. You can read the first of them here.
The Argos Education Blog is Up
Where you can read about my day gig.
Web3 in Education Isn’t Very Interesting
The primary innovation seems to be the dropping of the “dot O.”
Keeping 2U and Coursera Accountable
Universities should buy shares in the publicly traded companies they want to hold accountable.
Blursday on Engageli and EEP: Still Time to Register!
Don’t you miss socializing with colleagues?