Goldsmith is gone. Now what?
The Future of Work for Academia
Academic work is evolving too. We need to think about how we are preparing and “reskilling” academic workers.
SoP Webinar on Instructional Designer Professional Development
What’s the future of YOUR work as an educator?
Competency-based Credentials for Educational Professionals: LX Pathways from iDesign
February 20th, 2020: Colleges and universities face a surprising new skills gap within their own ranks: instructional designers. With instructional design job postings increasing by as much as triple, the demand for trained instructional design professionals is far outpacing supply. Higher education is facing a shortage of talent—and evidence-based practice in learning sciences and technology—to navigate a complex new landscape of online and digital learning. To tackle this challenge, Instructional design firm iDesign recently announced its LX Pathways initiative, to help learning experience design professionals gain skills through a new program developed to help close the skills shortage in qualified instructional design professionals.
Instructure’s Better Possible Future
Do the right thing. Please.
Instructure’s Proposed Acquisition is a Bad Risk for Everyone
It has to be said.
Announcing a Lesson-level Interoperability Standards Effort
We are working toward interoperability that can preserve pedagogical intent in learning designs.