Hawai’i senate committee recommends bill mandating OER material for all courses at the University of Hawai’i system over significant faculty protests
Big Picture
The "Big Picture" category covers larger trends and topics that influence both the problems that technology can help address in education as well as the barriers to implementing high-quality technology-supported education. This includes research-based topics such as learning science and program effectiveness studies, philosophical discussions such as outcomes definitions, and macro-forces such as government policy, markets, and business models.
Announcing the Empirical Educator Project
This is how we’re going to disrupt higher education. OK, not really. But we do hope to help folks improve it some.
Preliminary Data on K-12 LMS Market
As we expand our coverage of academic LMS usage, we are sharing preliminary data on the K-12 LMS Market. It’s another version of the Big Four, this time with Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom, and Schoology.
Postscript on College Rankings Revisited: Description of methods
Given the interest in guest post on College Rankings done by AI, we point out paper with deeper description of algorithms, and we answer some questions.
College Rankings Revisited: What Might an Artificial Intelligence Think?
What if, instead of relying on US & World Report subjective methods, we tried to rely on more object data analysis for college rankings? Here is one exploration of possibilities, using neural networks and the College Scorecard.
Fall 2016 Top 20 Largest Online Enrollments In US – With Trends Since 2012
A view of the 20 largest enrollments for students taking at least one online course in 2016; and a visual showing the trends from 2012 – 2016
Fall 2016 IPEDS Data: New Profile of US Higher Ed Online Education
We have the data from IPEDS for Fall 2016 Distance Education enrollment, organized by sector and by state