New research shows that the effectiveness of what may seem like common-sense techniques for learning how to learn are not effective in many cultures.
Big Picture
The "Big Picture" category covers larger trends and topics that influence both the problems that technology can help address in education as well as the barriers to implementing high-quality technology-supported education. This includes research-based topics such as learning science and program effectiveness studies, philosophical discussions such as outcomes definitions, and macro-forces such as government policy, markets, and business models.
Some Ed Tech Perspective on UC’s Billion-Dollar Payroll System Fiasco
A scathing report by the California state auditor describes UC’s billion-dollar payroll system fiasco for what it is. Some perspective would be helpful by comparing to ed tech expenses.
California Should Watch Arkansas Process for Creating New Online Institution
eVersity’s experience highlights a major challenge that states like Arkansas and California face when trying to create a new fully-online institution – the accreditation process is incredibly slow.
The Giant Inflatable Trump Chicken of Ed Tech
Here’s what I think a giant inflatable Trump chicken has to do with ed tech reporting.
“Alternative Pathways:” How to Rethink Vocational Education
A new report by Tyton Partners provides an alternative lens through which to examine California Governor Jerry Brown’s proposal to develop an online community college and an interesting model framework for analyzing macro educational policy issues in general.
Fear Itself
A guest post by Carnegie Mellon researchers gives us more perspective and follow-up information on a study about faculty reluctance to adopt “innovative” teaching practices.
Academic LMS Market Share By Enrollments, Part Deux
New view of North American LMS market share, this time scaled by institutional enrollments. Second part in series.